Pilates for Motherhood

Build your strength, feel comfortable in your body, and move through your day pain-free during your pre and postnatal journey. Not pregnant or postpartum? Pilates is for Every Body, tailored sessions to meet your goals.

There is no one size-fits all for postpartum recovery.

Mama do you feel frustrated with postnatal care? Are you sick and tired of hearing “just do kegals” when you tell your doctor you have leakage or pain? That was me too, and believe me I tired the kegals…oh the kegals, but it was just not working for me…then Pilates came into my life.

There is a lack of resources for care during pregnancy and postpartum, especially when it comes to exercise.

The one-size-fits all approach does not work, because no pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experience is the same. It’s unsupportive of new moms to have one 6 week appointment after this huge change your body went through and be told, “You’re good to go, clear for ALL exercise.” 

Mama’s, we deserve better!

For my pregnant mamas, Pilates helps energize your pregnancy, encourage a positive birth experience, develop resilience in your postnatal healing, achieve optimal pelvic floor and core strength, and wards off depression and anxiety.

For my postnatal and beyond mamas, Pilates helps you gracelfully heal from birth, achieve optimal pelvic floor and core health, ward off depression and anxiety (hello less stress and a boost in mood), and most importantly start to feel like YOU again!

Hi, I’m Rachel, Owner of Arise Pilates.

Pilates came into my life after my son, Emmett was born. I went from running, playing soccer, lifting, and hiking regularly to feeling like my body failed me. I remember going running for the first time after he was born and I felt defeated with pelvic pain and incontinence. I didn’t recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror anymore. I felt frustrated with postnatal care, resources, and my body. Even though I was cleared for ALL exercise, I did not feel ready. I had leakage, some pelvic discomfort, and my core felt a bit separated.

And then I found Pilates. Pilates helped me not only to physically feel strong and healed, but also mentally. It was my time to fill my cup and quiet my mind. I felt my core getting stronger in just a handful of sessions and I was getting acquainted with this new, beautiful, and strong body. 

And that is why I became a teacher. It’s my mission to help moms feel like the best and strongest version of themselves, and to have even better body awareness than they had before. 

Whether you are pregnant, a new mom or a veteran mom, or if your kids are out of the house, Pilates is here to help you find your Mom Strong and I would love to guide you along your journey! Even if you aren’t a mom, Pilates is for you too!

“My work with Rachel is truly a life changing investment in my own well-being. Strengthening my core and all the smaller muscles that I’ve neglected my whole life, especially as a result of four pregnancies, has strengthened me mentally and emotionally as well.”

— Trinity, Mom of 4

Check out what we offer here:

“In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 you’ll see the difference, and in 30 you’ll have a new body”

-Joseph Pilates

Benefits of Pilates

Helps reduce Stress

Core Strength

Strengthens the Whole Body

Improves Posture

Creates Body Awareness

Boosts Mental Health

Great for Pre/Post-natal

Helps reduce and get rid of back pain

Helps you to move more efficiently and pain-free in everyday life

Improves blood circulation

Improves Breathing

Anyone can do pilates, it is fit to YOUR BODY

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